Reinvesting In Our Communities
Our Giving Mission: Murphy-Wall State Bank’s Charitable Giving Program is to help meet the needs of the communities we serve by supporting nonprofit organizations that improve overall quality of life. Our community bank also proudly sponsors events that enhances the vitality of our neighborhoods, celebrate our community’s success, and support local charities.
Murphy-Wall State Bank encourages our employees to get involved in their community; volunteer their individual talents to the cause close to their heart. As a hometown business, we recognize that we are part of the community and proud to be able to contribute to it’s growth and purposes.
Donation requests are granted based on the nonprofit organization’s ability to meet Murphy-Wall State Bank’s charitable giving criteria, as well as availability of charitable funds. Although there are many deserving charities in our communities we regret that we will not be able to help all of them for each request. If your organization does not meet the criteria for this year’s event, please review the criteria for your next event.
Murphy-Wall State Bank receives hundreds of requests for donations every year. Therefore, we will consider request for charitable donations from nonprofit organizations that qualify under the following categories:
- Educational
- Civic/Philanthropic Organizations
- Health (ex: American Cancer Society)
- Environmental restoration
- Murphy-Wall State Bank’s charitable investments are limited to public, nonprofit charitable organizations and agencies that are exempt from federal taxes under Section 501 c3 of the Internal Revenue Code
- High priority is placed on donations that benefit low-to moderate-income individuals or communities
- Increased consideration will be given to entities with low administrative costs, in order to ensure the donated funds are efficiently directed to the parties in need
- Requests must be submitted at least two months prior to your event
- Donation requests, typically are honored with monetary or silent auction items
- Please note: Murphy-Wall State Bank’s name cannot be printed on tickets for sale to win something (ex: raffle or games of chance tickets; event entry tickets are acceptable, after Murphy-Wall management approval.
Recipient nonprofit organizations must:
- Serve our geographic areas (20-mile radius of a Murphy-Wall State Bank branch)
- Fit within our charitable giving categories
- Demonstrate fiscal and administrative stability
- Operate as an equal opportunity employer (where applicable)
- Be governed by a board of directors (where applicable)
Funding exclusions:
- Organizations without 501 c3 status
- Individual financial or in-kind support (exceptions may be made by Committee)
- Fraternal or alumni organizations
- Political Action Committees, political candidates, or causes or organizations attempting to influence legislation
- Requests for the discretionary, non-specific use of an organization
- Requests for operating expenses
- Trip or tour expenses for individuals or groups
- Talent and beauty contests
- Membership or religious organizations, unless the project benefits the entire community
- Scholarship programs or Endowments
- Conferences/Seminars
- Product or premium raffles
- Research projects
Once the request has been submitted, an email will be sent to you within 72 hours to confirm your request, so please include a valid email address and contact information. Only approved requests will receive further communications after this initial confirmation email. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder.
Due to the high volume of requests we receive, we ask that as much information as possible be included about your cause. If for some reason we are unable to participate in this event, we invite you to contact us again regarding your next event.
Forms must be submitted at least two months prior to your events.
For questions please email or call 877-358-6554.