The History of Murphy-Wall
Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company, the oldest bank in Perry County, Illinois, was established in 1874 by W. K. Murphy, George W. Wall, and George W. Parker. Until its incorporation as a state bank in 1907, the bank was known as “The Exchange Bank of Murphy, Wall and Company” and also as “Murphy, Wall and Company, Bankers.” Murphy-Wall State Bank has enjoyed continuous growth and expansion. Since the first published notice of its total resources in 1881 of $76,585.88, the bank’s assets have multiplied many times, to a present total of approximately $160,000,000.00.
Throughout the years Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company, now considered one of Southern Illinois’ leading regional banks, has grown with the communities we serve and continues to provide banking with TLC — Tradition, Leadership, and Commitment.

The original bank, located on the north side of the Pinckneyville square

The bank moved to a new building at the corner of Walnut and Water Street in Pinckneyville

The interior of the bank was refurbished by replacing the iron grill work with bullet-proof glass and small openings for conversation

The bank was moved to Water Street in Pinckneyville in a brand new building

The Rend Lake College extension was built in Pinckneyville

A new branch for the bank was opened in Murphysboro

Another bank branch was opened in Elkville

The Elkville branch was renovated and redecorated
Fourth bank branch was opened in Carterville

Fifth bank branch was opened in Marion